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Lines of Research

Line 1: Sustainability of Agroecosystems

Area: Sustainable Production and Environmental Conservation

Description: This line discusses sustainability in agroecosystems regarding the handling and cultivation of crops, harvest and postharvest with a view to technological innovations in agricultural systems and rural development, while placing an emphasis on family farming. This line also researches the development of technological processes for the use of raw-materials from agroecosystems, byproducts or agroindustry waste, which will result in products with high added value and processes that reduce environmental impacts. The interaction between both lines occurs by means of thematic projects such as:

- Bioprocesses and applications in agro-energy systems;
-Treatment and usage of agro-industrial waste;
-Sustainable handling of agricultural systems;
-Sustainable rural development

Line 2: Conservation of Natural Resources

Area: Sustainable Production and Environmental Conservation

Description: This line of research discusses the conservation of natural resources by analyzing biological, chemical, physical and historical aspects of natural and anthropized systems from the perspective of their conservation and sustainable management. Its focus is on environmental modeling, monitoring, experimentation and characterization, resulting in the identification and evaluation of the potential usage of natural resources, and possible environmental impacts. The aim of these studies is to develop technologies, actions and/or strategies which help preservation, recovery and sustainable use of natural resources. The interaction between both lines occurs by means of thematic projects such as:

-Management of environmental impacts;
-Environmental modeling;
-Landscape dynamics;

Research Groups 

Agroenergy – AGROEN (

The group seeks to develop knowledge and technology in the agroenergy field, taking into consideration the social, environmental, economic sustainability and development of family agriculture; It also aims to contribute to the development of alternative technologies to the present energy mix to bring about environmental sustainability; furthermore it plans to train personnel with a view to establishing new energy sources.

Fauna Conservation and Biodiversity – GPCON (

The group seeks to become a reference in studies related to the monitoring and the dynamics of wild fauna in the subtropical region of South America, more specifically in the Southern region of Brazil. The projects developed will provide data to be evaluated and an analysis of the interactions between the environment and development. It will also propose measures that promote healthy environmental relations.

Sustainable Management of Agricultural Systems – MASSA (

The study of the influence of agricultural activities on the environmental systems, principally regarding possible degradations that may occur (or due to the more sustainable use of the dynamics of environmental impacts,) is an interesting strategy to promote production in quantity and with quality in the present agricultural circumstances, in which society seeks healthier food and producers lower costs and higher economic returns. The data obtained from each line of research will provide a better knowledge of the farming systems in the region of Alto Uruguai - RS. Studies, which combine production and environmental conservation activities with a view to improving available resources, especially in threatened ecosystems, are considered priorities for the understanding and preservation of the Brazilian environment. With more extensive information regarding species, the processes related to the procreation and survival (continuance) of biodiversity can be better understood. The information derived from this project will permit monitoring, management and usage of biodiversity for a huge range of purposes. As a natural outcome of this project, the most relevant areas and species requiring protection will be identified. Using the data obtained, the impacts upon diversity can be estimated in both temporal and spatial aspects. As a consequence, it will be possible to scientifically justify the decision-making regarding development projects, especially those based on sustainability proposals. These contributions will be made available by means of scientific articles and media, including final papers, dissertations, theses, chapters in books or even books themselves.

Hydroclimate – ( /4097539473016682)

The availability of water is and will be a problem for society. The main objective of this group is to study the interactions between the atmosphere, the availability of surface and subsurface water systems and the morpho-dynamic processes resulting from landscape use. Specifically: a) To study the dynamics of climate, variability and the occurrence of climate changes; b) To assess the availability of surface and subsurface water by measurement and hydrological tests; c) To investigate environmental changes in geomorphological systems and interrelationships with climate changes; d) To investigate temporal and spatial changes in the landscape use and their relationship with the hydrological dynamics of watersheds; e) Finally, to carry out studies on the impacts of environmental changes with emphasis on the vulnerable conditions faced by society.

Management and Treatment of Solid Waste, Liquids, Waters and Atmospheric Emissions – GTRSLAE (

To develop field and laboratory academic research regarding the management and treatment of solid waste, liquids, waters, and atmospheric emissions, especially in locations and municipalities in the region of Alto Uruguai and in the north of Rio Grande do Sul.

Campus Cerro Largo

Rua Jacob Reinaldo Haupenthal, 1580, Centro,
Cerro Largo, RS
CEP 97900-000
Tel. (55) 3359-3950
CNPJ: 12.345/0001-12

Campus Chapecó

Rodovia SC 484, km 02,
Bairro Fronteira Sul,
Chapecó, SC
CEP 89815-899
Tel. (49) 2049-2600
CNPJ 11.234.780/0007-46

Campus Erechim

ERS 135, km 72, 200,
Caixa Postal 764,
Erechim, RS
CEP 99700-970
Tel. (54) 3321-7050
CNPJ 11.234.780/0002-31

Campus Laranjeiras do Sul

Rodovia BR 158, km 405,
Caixa Postal 106,
Laranjeiras do Sul, PR
CEP 85319-899
Tel. (42) 3635-0000
CNPJ 11.234.780/0004-01

Campus Passo Fundo

Rua Capitão Araújo, 20,
Passo Fundo, RS
CEP 99010-200
Tel. (54) 3335-8514
CNPJ 11.234.780/0006-65

Campus Realeza

Rodovia PR 182, km 466,
Caixa Postal 253,
Realeza, PR
CEP 85770-000
Tel. (46) 3543-8300
CNPJ 11.234.780/0005-84