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Curricular structure

The curricular structure is aligned to the focal area Sustainable Production and Environmental Conservation, with the purpose of training highly qualified professionals, agents of change, who can contribute to a certain degree to the resolution of many environmental bottlenecks in the region, widely recognized at the national level, related to agricultural and agroindustry activity.

The course is organized in credits, 10 mandatory, 14 elective and 06 in dissertation, making up a total of 30 credits.

The three mandatory components - Environmental Sustainability, Statistics applied to environmental sciences, and Seminars in sustainable production and environmental conservation - aim at preparing the students to develop research and providing them with civic responsibility, to ready them for the challenge of becoming agents of change in the construction of a sustainable society.

The elective components aim to complement the technical and civic education, strengthening the understanding within the lines of the program, besides enabling the construction of the theoretical foundation necessary to put together and perform the dissertation. In this context, the components Scientific Writing and Methodology and Seminars allow students from both lines of research to complement their education as scientists ready to take their place in society.

The Sustainability of Agroecosystems line provides a broader education in the area through the components of the Agroecosystem Management and Sustainable Production of agricultural crops as well as providing more specific training in the handling of weeds, sustainable fruit production, the management of orchards and sustainable production of species of woody seedlings and plant propagation systems.

The Conservation of Natural Resources line provides a broader training through the components Nature Conservation, and Environmental Evaluation and Monitoring and more specifically with Management of Air Quality, Ecological Recovery and Processes, Evaluation and Management of Watersheds.

In addition, there are components common to both lines of research, such as Environmental Mathematical Modeling, Wastewater Treatment, Agroindustry and Agroenergy Waste Recovery with a view to environmental sustainability.

Total credits for the degree

Mandatory credits: 10

Elective credits: 14

Dissertation credits: 06

Total: 30

Campus Cerro Largo

Rua Jacob Reinaldo Haupenthal, 1580, Centro,
Cerro Largo, RS
CEP 97900-000
Tel. (55) 3359-3950
CNPJ: 12.345/0001-12

Campus Chapecó

Rodovia SC 484, km 02,
Bairro Fronteira Sul,
Chapecó, SC
CEP 89815-899
Tel. (49) 2049-2600
CNPJ 11.234.780/0007-46

Campus Erechim

ERS 135, km 72, 200,
Caixa Postal 764,
Erechim, RS
CEP 99700-970
Tel. (54) 3321-7050
CNPJ 11.234.780/0002-31

Campus Laranjeiras do Sul

Rodovia BR 158, km 405,
Caixa Postal 106,
Laranjeiras do Sul, PR
CEP 85319-899
Tel. (42) 3635-0000
CNPJ 11.234.780/0004-01

Campus Passo Fundo

Rua Capitão Araújo, 20,
Passo Fundo, RS
CEP 99010-200
Tel. (54) 3335-8514
CNPJ 11.234.780/0006-65

Campus Realeza

Rodovia PR 182, km 466,
Caixa Postal 253,
Realeza, PR
CEP 85770-000
Tel. (46) 3543-8300
CNPJ 11.234.780/0005-84