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Lines of research

Line 1: History of settlement, agriculture and the environment 

With an emphasis on the analysis of migratory movements and on the processes of settlement, depopulation and colonization of border areas, this line of research favors investigations on indigenous populations, caboclos and settlers of European origin, which allow the understanding of the historical processes of human intervention on the environment and its influences on human societies in different political, historical, ecological and cultural contexts. The line investigates and studies issues related to the formation, settlement, economy, identity and culture of the peoples and societies that inhabit the border areas of countries in South America. 

Line 2: History of movements and social relations 

The line of research History of Movements and Social Relations emphasizes the different ways in which social subjects are constituted, related, act and build social order. It privileges investigations that deal with migratory processes to border regions, inter-ethnic, economic, class, labor, gender, family relations, as well as on the historical contexts of the production of political and ideological discourses in the countries of South America. The analyzes of social and environmental conflicts resulting from the exploitation of land, popular organizations, peasant struggles, strategies of domination and resistance, constitution of identities, organization of spaces, social life and regional integration, constitute the investigative scenario that this line of research intends to provide.

Campus Cerro Largo

Rua Jacob Reinaldo Haupenthal, 1580, Centro,
Cerro Largo, RS
CEP 97900-000
Tel. (55) 3359-3950
CNPJ: 12.345/0001-12

Campus Chapecó

Rodovia SC 484, km 02,
Bairro Fronteira Sul,
Chapecó, SC
CEP 89815-899
Tel. (49) 2049-2600
CNPJ 11.234.780/0007-46

Campus Erechim

ERS 135, km 72, 200,
Caixa Postal 764,
Erechim, RS
CEP 99700-970
Tel. (54) 3321-7050
CNPJ 11.234.780/0002-31

Campus Laranjeiras do Sul

Rodovia BR 158, km 405,
Caixa Postal 106,
Laranjeiras do Sul, PR
CEP 85319-899
Tel. (42) 3635-0000
CNPJ 11.234.780/0004-01

Campus Passo Fundo

Rua Capitão Araújo, 20,
Passo Fundo, RS
CEP 99010-200
Tel. (54) 3335-8514
CNPJ 11.234.780/0006-65

Campus Realeza

Rodovia PR 182, km 466,
Caixa Postal 253,
Realeza, PR
CEP 85770-000
Tel. (46) 3543-8300
CNPJ 11.234.780/0005-84