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The Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Human Sciences has as its field of study the various modalities of knowledge that involve knowledge, the production of identities and forms of subjectivation and social processes and practices, in the social contexts in which they emerge, unfold, produce and transform. In this polysemic framework, investigative proposals that emphasize multiple perspectives on societies are emphasized, trying to understand how subjects build their experiences, giving them meaning. The production of knowledge, in this case, necessarily involves interdisciplinary approaches with the participation of professionals from different training fields, which results in a complex and multifaceted masters level academic formation, aiming to supply the regional demand for qualified research within the University, in the Humanities. From this perspective of research training in the Southern Frontier region, the profile of the graduate of PPGICH is based on interdisciplinary training, inferring it as able to offer egresses the tools for the autonomous production of interdisciplinary research, capable of integrating concepts and methods, overcoming the disciplinary key of knowledge building. This results in two types of qualifications: for research in areas of knowledge that are present in PPGICH, such as Education, Philosophy, Anthropology, Social Sciences, History, Linguistics, Urbanism and Literature; for research that, from the need to take objects and methodologies under interdisciplinary bias, enable researchers to transcend the limits of the disciplinary order and enable the creation of innovative theories and methods, with excellence and academic legitimacy. In addition to research, the graduate will be able to assume, with levels of excellence, teaching in general. In the case of education, at the secondary level, this is equivalent to allowing a qualified teaching activity, especially in subjects related to the Human Sciences, which still suffer from disciplinary training and teaching methodologies. In the case of higher education, the graduate will be able to develop quality and pertinent research in the field of the humanities, both in specific areas and under the aegis of interdisciplinarity - at the level, for example, of doctorate, concern of national education policies through development programs such as the Pro-Doctoral. Therefore, the egress may pursue an academic career in interdisciplinary and disciplinary doctorates, as well as acting at various levels of public administration, social policy management, science and technology and education, organizations and the like.

Campus Cerro Largo

Rua Jacob Reinaldo Haupenthal, 1580, Centro,
Cerro Largo, RS
CEP 97900-000
Tel. (55) 3359-3950
CNPJ: 12.345/0001-12

Campus Chapecó

Rodovia SC 484, km 02,
Bairro Fronteira Sul,
Chapecó, SC
CEP 89815-899
Tel. (49) 2049-2600
CNPJ 11.234.780/0007-46

Campus Erechim

ERS 135, km 72, 200,
Caixa Postal 764,
Erechim, RS
CEP 99700-970
Tel. (54) 3321-7050
CNPJ 11.234.780/0002-31

Campus Laranjeiras do Sul

Rodovia BR 158, km 405,
Caixa Postal 106,
Laranjeiras do Sul, PR
CEP 85319-899
Tel. (42) 3635-0000
CNPJ 11.234.780/0004-01

Campus Passo Fundo

Rua Capitão Araújo, 20,
Passo Fundo, RS
CEP 99010-200
Tel. (54) 3335-8514
CNPJ 11.234.780/0006-65

Campus Realeza

Rodovia PR 182, km 466,
Caixa Postal 253,
Realeza, PR
CEP 85770-000
Tel. (46) 3543-8300
CNPJ 11.234.780/0005-84